Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Show 24

Just got done watching season one of 24. Normally i wouldn't put a review like this on here but i thought that i needed too. I did like 24, i thought it was very entertaining and never once thought there was a dull moment. There were a few problems that i had with it. Some of the acting was sub-par. To me is was a modern day Texas Walker Ranger where is was enjoyable but you notice these things. Another problem i felt was the fact that i don't know how many times a saw a sound guy or a camera man in the shot. Maybe they spend too much money on stunts and other things for editing. I am trying to find a clip of what i am talking about on youtube. Other than that though the plot and action kept me tuned and looking forward to season 2. I give it 3 and a half Fernalds out of 5

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