Sunday, July 26, 2009

Local News, too much time on their hands

Normal news cast you see it all the time. They report on cougars, bears, and coyotes all the time. I don't know if this guy had too much time on his hands or tried to win a local emmy of something. Here is the video.

"This is how the bear probably looked, if it was real."
No need to recreate how a bears escaped we know it runs away

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tech Help

If you are wondering why the 29th Ammendment seems to be leaning to the right (physically speaking), I think we have some explaining to do.

I am having trouble with the pictures on the blog. Pat, I am unsure if you are as well, so feel free to interrupt me at any point.

If you'll notice there isn't much real estate to work with on And I love pictures. But the options are limited on the site, so I routinely just try to stow them on the right side because it seems like there are always formatting errors whenever I try something remotely fancy. This is frustrating for me.

And then they are always too big, even if I choose the small format. The first time I put a picture up (see Propaganda posters), I was able to click and drag size it. This is not the case anymore.

So today I tried to put a picture up of Clarence Weatherspoon. It was gigantic and diluted my words, so I tried again. The next time it didn't even show up, and I haven't been able to add a picture since.

This image scandal is number one on my priority list right now. If any closet readers exist out there, this is the time to reveal yourself and offer some advice.

Is this the most professional way I could have gone about this? Probably not, but if 29th has any inclination to get some publicity, I think its better we sort this out now.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My A.P.Y.R.F.S.R.E.T.T.W.G. Team

I think I'm liking this one. Mainly because everybody's is unique, and I don't expect anyone to understand mine. All-Players-You-Remember-For-Some-Reason-Even-Though-They-Weren't-Good Team.

I could go for days on this one, I'm laughing as I keep thinking of more.

G: Clarence Witherspoon
G: Pooh Richardson
F: Benoit Benjamin
F: Laphonso Ellis
C: Will Perdue

I've included a link here for a card one of Clarence's fleers (His personal quote on the card explains why he is on my list quite succinctly):

But nothing compares to this moster block by Laphonso Ellis, and the Denver fan's fist pump that follows....

My All Anal Team

For some reason i really spent a lot of time researching and trying to think of players that would fit the bill so here is my All Anal NBA Team

G: (Tie) Mike Bibby/ Jose Barea
G: Ricky Davis
F: Shane Battier
F: Udonis Haslem
C: Andrea Bargnani

For me the MVP of this group is Shane Battier. Although Ricky Davis is a close second. To me I feel like he is a very cautious person who keeps his stuff close to him. The touch part was I really couldn't decide between Mike Bibby and Jose Barea because they are just too similar.

Since James got to come up with these rankings of sort i thought i would come up with my own All-Players-You-Remember-For-Some-Reason-Even-Though-They-Weren't-Good Team

G: Mookie Blaylock
G: Erick Barkley
F: Marcus Liberty
F: Benoit Benjamin
C: Ruben Boumje-Boumje

I probably have 100's of Mookie Blaylock cards in my collection. I have no idea why the card companies loved Mookie Blaylock so much. It one of the reasons why he is one of my favorite NBA players of all time. Fun Fact Pearl Jam was going to be called "Mookie Blaylock" but couldn't so they settled for naming one of their albums "10". James if you have any updates on this list it would sure be appreciated cause there are definitely some throw ins in that group.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Unique NBA Honors

I always like to highlight features of the game and its players in ways that often go unnoticed or underappreciated. Patrick, I'm going to want some input on this.

All Anal Team: Top five NBA players who look like they keep a tight ship and aren't fond of other people touching their things.

G: Chris Quinn
G: Francisco Garcia
F: Peja Stojokavic
F: Tim Duncan
C: Nene

(Hon. Mention: Shane Battier, Antonio Daniels, Matt Harpring, Rudy Gay, Hilton Armstrong)

NBA Live '95 Team: You remember playing video games with these guys when you were a kid, yet you remember them being less than great. When you see them still on the court you think, how, of all of the guys from their generation, were these the ones who made it this long? It makes you wonder which mediocre players of today will have an inexorably long tenure (Channing Frye comes to mind).

G: Cuttino Mobley
G: Donyell Marshall
F: Juwan Howard
F: Kurt Thomas
C: Theo Ratliff

I want to see some feedback or amendments to these teams as well as some propositions for new honors.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Greg Oden Mr. Nice Guy

It's sad to think that Greg Oden will never live up to the hype. Even if he is a 5-time all-star who wins a championship. A lot of people looked down on him this year but i didn't think that he had a bad year. I don't think McMillan used him in the right way all the time. He fouled way too much but when he was in he was decent. Enough with that, i saw this picture on the internet and really want it on a shirt.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Kool-Aid, Heed the Advice

There are certain things that I think need to be posted on this blog with no explanation. This is one of those things.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Darkhorse Dependence

I have changed my fantasy baseball team name to Darkhorse Dependence. The name used to be Pathways Dependence before I swiftly fell to a league worst 2 and 9. My guys were miserable. I made some early trades that did not pan out as expected, and I had some major underachievers.

After about four weeks of solid play, however, I now humbly confess my love for this team. I can't help but be enthralled by the rally my guys are putting together as we near the All-star break.

My cast is flooded with a likable, dynamic, and youthful spirit that has pulled it together collectively as if they know they are assembled together on my roster. (Although they don't, it is only fantasy. I sigh as I remind myself this part). Plagued with injury, my comeback has been buttressed by both the over-achievement of bench players and solid pickups from free agency.

My Current Starting Roster (Minus Injured Carlos Quentin and Jose Reyes)

Catcher: Brian McCann
1st: Derrek Lee
2nd: Jose Lopez
3rd: Ryan Zimmerman
SS: Alexei Ramirez
OF: Adam Lind
OF: B.J. Upton
OF: Adam Jones
U: Michael Bourn
P: Yankees (Can't love 'em all)

Listen, while I Smell Sexy seems to have a pretty good hold on the league lead, look out for this squad. I firmly believe they will do some damage come the second half of the season. While most managers of a no buy-in league might divorce their squads after a 2-9 start, I am attentive as ever. With an exciting lineup like that, who wouldn't be?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

So many questions after watching this video
1. Who are her clients?
2. Are there really enough demand of these things?
3. Has the economy effected her at all? or are these thing recession proof
4. Where can i get a pair?

The Show 24

Just got done watching season one of 24. Normally i wouldn't put a review like this on here but i thought that i needed too. I did like 24, i thought it was very entertaining and never once thought there was a dull moment. There were a few problems that i had with it. Some of the acting was sub-par. To me is was a modern day Texas Walker Ranger where is was enjoyable but you notice these things. Another problem i felt was the fact that i don't know how many times a saw a sound guy or a camera man in the shot. Maybe they spend too much money on stunts and other things for editing. I am trying to find a clip of what i am talking about on youtube. Other than that though the plot and action kept me tuned and looking forward to season 2. I give it 3 and a half Fernalds out of 5

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bad Hosts: Invitation Without Participation

So the weekend is coming up, and your co-worker (who you aren't particularly fond of) asks you to come over on Friday night for a small get together. "I'll consider it," you lie as you return to you cubicle knowing damn well that you loathe the idea of attending a party of which you know nobody except the host, and to make things worse, he lives in Sellwood. It's not that you don't appreciate Sellwood, it's just that parking is difficult and it's full of unmarked intersections.

You quickly try to re-busy yourself, but the prospect of this party dangerously looms merely because you realized you haven't gone out since Labor Day and your blog isn't getting any hits anyway.

Friday night comes around and you find yourself at the party, but something unexpected has occurred. Contrary to what you envisioned, you are not the honored guest, the host can't be found , and you're alone. You desperately try to appear in control of the situation, but your social ineptitude best resembles that of a 10th grade girl.

This is the worst thing that a host can possibly do, right? Wrong. There's worse. The person of whom invited you could decide to not show up entirely leaving you totally in the dark.

Patrick, this is you right now. You invited me to this blog, I was hesitant, and now I am the only one contributing. This is my fourth post to your one. Despite the fact that no one has read this blog (besides Laura on Saturday), it is quite embarrassing. No internet, no cable whatever, sack up and make a post or I'm done.