Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The People In College

The Girl Who Somehow Talks About Her boyfriend When She Answers a Question in Class.
I have one in every class that I have taken. Some how, some way she incorporates her boyfriend in her answer. It's ether her and her boyfriend do this, or her boyfriend does that. I really can't stand it, there is no reason we need to know you have a boyfriend. I mean congrats you found someone to procreate with. It has never ceased to amaze me that she could somehow bring in her boyfriend in any conversation. If she had a super power it would be the ability to bring her boyfriend up in any conversation even if it was about the current political climate in Morocco.

*That picture isn't the best representation, after about 15 minutes i gave up and settled on that picture.


  1. Isn't the boyfriend usually older and at a different university too? A "trophy boyfriend" of sorts?

  2. The picture is blogworthy itself, by the way.

    A diverse University, it appears, however the white blond girl is in the front row, notebook open, laptop open, raising her hand.

    The poor black student is depicted with her feet up, wearing a tank top, and apparently thinks something is funny.
