Friday, January 29, 2010

Things that everyone buys but nobody uses segment

The Bread Maker
Back in the mid-nineties you couldn't receive a gift without getting at least one bread maker. In fact so many people got bread makers as gifts that it was the number one returned item in '94. People went crazy for bread makers back then. I guess the idea of making your own bread was a thought that the American people loved. Once they got it though they has a rude awakening, long baking times and often, not that great of bread. Americans have no patience so waiting for bread for 5 hours isn't their kind of idea for fun. Eventually everyone decided to just ditch the bread makers and store them in their attics or basements.

*The best part of that photo is the fact that none of that bread was made with that bread maker.
*The "Breadmaker" was also the nickname of an obscure 90's NBA player by the name of Negele Knight (no picture needed) or maybe....

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