Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bike Dancing

Bike Dancing has been around a very long time. Not long after the bike was invented people started to dance with the bike and later competing against other people who danced with their bikes. Since the 1980s there has been a world competition where the best bike dancers from each country come to compete against each other to see who is the best. This years competition was held in Munich, Germany. The European countries have long dominated the sport especially Germany and France. What is surprising though is that I have found out that the U.S. has not fielded a team for 7 years. I thought to myself this is my chance to get into the Olympics and get a gold medal finally. Although not an Olympic sport, is should and will be soon. My partner in the blog Jimmy just got a new bike, and I can also borrow my sisters so I thought we should naturally team up in the pairs competition. We will begin training immediately and not stop until we atleast place in the top 30. Here is a video of what it is.

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