Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bike Dancing

Bike Dancing has been around a very long time. Not long after the bike was invented people started to dance with the bike and later competing against other people who danced with their bikes. Since the 1980s there has been a world competition where the best bike dancers from each country come to compete against each other to see who is the best. This years competition was held in Munich, Germany. The European countries have long dominated the sport especially Germany and France. What is surprising though is that I have found out that the U.S. has not fielded a team for 7 years. I thought to myself this is my chance to get into the Olympics and get a gold medal finally. Although not an Olympic sport, is should and will be soon. My partner in the blog Jimmy just got a new bike, and I can also borrow my sisters so I thought we should naturally team up in the pairs competition. We will begin training immediately and not stop until we atleast place in the top 30. Here is a video of what it is.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Things that everyone buys but nobody uses segment

The Coin Sorter
If there was a product to define this segment the coin sorter would have to be it. Very popular during the 90's almost everyone I knew bought one of these including our family. If was a novel idea to sort and know how much money you had laying around your house and car. Problem with these things is that you couldn't put more than one coin in a time, so if you had a lot of change you would have to wait for every coin to go through. They were also notoriously cheap and broke down after awhile. Another problem with it is that we only used ours maybe twice without getting the results that we were expecting to get. You had to buy these paper wrappers for the coins and had to close them in a special way. If you look in your closet I am sure you will be able to find a coin sorter in the back of it.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Off With the King

Okay, I'm not the first to say it, but I definitely believe I am one of the first of many to come: LeBron James is an idiot.

The King has been fortunate to be immune of the hatreds stored for many of the league's brightest stars (Kobe, Shaq etc). But this reign is slipping and will soon fall. And most surprisingly, it will start in his home state of Ohio.

Amongst some questionable moves to kick off this NBA offseason, (the failure to shake hands with the victorious Magic in the Eastern Conference Finals, the "Nikegate" confiscation of dunk tapes etc.) the latest and probably most offensive is his decision to not consider negotiations for a contract extension in Cleveland until next season.

At an event in his hometown to unveil Nike Air Max LeBron VII, the latest sneaker in his signature line, James made his strongest comments yet about his future. The NBA's reigning MVP said he signed a three-year contract in 2006 to give him more options once it expires.

This move will drown the Cavs. I know it probably seems like a great business move and he has every right to do so and whatever else you want to argue, but LeBron's decision to wait and see if the team is good enough for him is the quintessential selfish act that represents everything I loathe about professional sports.

After watching a superstar sign long term with the Portland Trailblazers this summer, eager to win a Championship from scratch, I am so thankful that I have Brandon Roy instead of LeBron James. There is no way LeBron stays in Portland through the 2010 offseason.

LeBron James came into the league as a nice, well spoken kid with a lot of hype to live up to. Since winning his first MVP this past season however, I believe that his motives are evolving.

LeBron needs attention so much that he wants to see just how much other teams will actually pay to have him play for them.

He wants to wait a year to watch as teams forgo this season and instead scheme plans to offer James a gigantic contract in a down economy.

And if I lived in Cleveland, I would be pissed. If the Cavalier front office spends this year sweating and planning on how to keep their franchise player and fail, they will hit rock bottom so quickly as a franchise that the owners will consider relocation.

To have LeBron James resign with the Cavs this summer so the entire organization can focus on winning a championship instead of his contract might be an unreasonable expectation, but not to me. LeBron has shown that he can basically do whatever he wants on and off the court, so why not accept the $17 million(!!!!!) option for next year and quit acting like you are "making the right business decision."

I am calling LeBron out, and soon you will too. Off with the king.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Kevin some black guy

We all remember the story of Kevin Everest the Buffalo Bills Tight end who was paralyzed. This video combines two of my favorite things, local news and funny videos here it goes......

Sports Trading Cards

I recently read an article by Bill Simmons the Sports Guy, about his trip to a memorabilia convention. It reminded me of when i was young and used to collect sports trading cards like no other, that was back when i used to go to the store with my mom just to see if i could get her to buy me a pack in the check out lines. So i thought to my self i am going to make a purchase of one old (probably on ebay) and one new set of basketball cards and see what i get and shamelessly promote the most obscure players that i get from the two packs.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Andre Miller signing

After a difficult off season the Trail Blazers finally singed Andre Miller to a 3 year worth 21 million dollars with a team option for the third year. Now at first i really didn't like the deal mostly because i have never been a fan of Andre Miller's game. Add on top of that Andre is already 33 and likely on a steady production line, like most point guards who hit their 30's.Then i started to think that his game couldn't be as bad and we still have Steve Blake. If you even stick him on the second unit and let him run with some of the "younger" and more athletic guys on the team it might actually make the second unit even better than it was last year. The less dependence we have on Brandon Roy i think the better, we can save some of his legs for the playoffs. Lastly and the most important he has a team option for year number 3.

*I just love the photo because it includes Micheal Doleac.