Monday, June 29, 2009

Made in China

Yao Ming's NBA career may be over. At least that is what many reporters are supposing after the Chinese 7-footer's CT scan has shown that the hairline fracture in his foot has not healed quite as expected. As a victim of a navicular fracture as well, I am sympathetic but not surprised.

The bone he has broken is notorious for its difficulty to heal. To think that his joints could sustain a 7 foot frame for 82-game seasons is bit quixotic. David Stern, shorten the NBA schedule already! If Yao in fact is done playing basketball professionally, it will be detrimental to the game.

Tough break for the Rockets, who were in championship contention this year as much as any other team as they definitely gave the Lakers their toughest challenge. Yao brings a lot to this league. Alas, the Houston Rockets have realized something the average American consumer inherently knows: never rely on a product Made in China.

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